Results of the competition announced by the Polish Society of Microscopy for the best PhD work submitted to the EM’24 conference.
The first of all, the Polish Society of Microscopy would like to thank all the Participants for their submitted works. Fourteen works were sent to the competition, announced by the PSM for the best abstract by a PhD student. The Competition Committee, consisting of six members of the Advisory Board, assessed the works based on the following criteria: originality of research, clarity of the research goal, adequacy of applied research methodology to solve the scientific problem, clarity of the results description, quality of conclusions, innovation of the research topic, scientific and practical significance of the results, relevance to the conference topic. According to the Experts’ evaluations, all submitted works revealed high cognitive and scientific levels. However, based on the ranking list, the Polish Society of Microscopy is honoured to announce that the winners of the award are:
• Olha Khshanovska,
„An in-situ TEM study of crystallization pathways of single AuGe nanoparticles”
Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science,
AGH University of Krakow;
• Karolina Wójciak
„Precision and accuracy during standard-less mapping of local lattice distortions using EBSD and CALM technique”
Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology ,
AGH – University of Krakow.
The prize for both Laureates is the conference fee coverage for the 18th International Conference on Electron Microscopy EM’2024 (9-12 June 2024, Zakopane).
The Management Board of PSM would like to thank all Participants and congratulate the Winners.