EMC 2024

W imieniu Organizatorów European Microscopy Congress 2024 zapraszamy serdecznie do udziału w tym ważnym dla środowiska mikroskopii wydarzeniu, które odbędzie się w dniach 25-30 sierpnia 2024 r. w Kopenhadze.
W załączniku oraz na stronie www.emc2024.eu znajdziecie Państwo aktualne informacje dotyczące programu kongresu EMC2024.
Prosimy o rozpowszechnienie informacji o Kongresie wśród Koleżanek i Kolegów zainteresowanych prezentowaniem swoich osiągnięć w badaniach materiałów z zastosowaniem metod mikroskopii świetlnej i elektronowej.

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Ogłoszenie o pracy

Two Postdoctoral Positions in Electron Microscopy at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Braga, Portugal

Two positions are now open in the research group of Prof. Paulo Ferreira
(https://www.inl.int/community/paulo-ferreira/) to work in the following topics:
1. Li-ion batteries
This research is funded by the recovery and resilience plan of Portugal under the new generation storage agenda and focuses on understanding solid state thin film batteries, as well as battery electrodes produced from recycling, by advanced electron microscopy. See announcement here (https://careers.inl.int/our-vacancies/?p=job%2ForDDlfwM).

2. Novel Transistors Based on 2D and 3D Dirac materials
This research is part of a Horizon EU Research and Innovation grant and focuses on developing scalable Dirac transistor technology based on large area integration of 2D and 3D Dirac materials. In particular, the idea is to understand the role of interfaces and defects in Dirac semimetal/semiconductor systems, via advanced transmission electron microscopy studies and correlations with device data and models. See the announcement here (https://careers.inl.int/our-vacancies/?p=job%2Fo9Czqfwu).
The candidates interested in these two positions can submit an application by following the link:

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