EMS Scholarship

Dear EMS member,

To support young researchers, scholarships will be awarded for the participation at the 17th Multinational Congress on Microscopy to be held on 07 to 12 September 2025 in Portorož – Slovenia. See the following link for more information on the meeting: https://17mcm.si/

Please note that only EMS members are eligible for EMS scholarships.

The application deadline is fixed as the original conference abstract submission deadline for this meeting, being on March 14, 2025. Each applicant must submit at least one abstract and has to be registered at the meeting. A copy of the abstract(s), registration details (a screen shot or printout of the confirmation mail is accepted), and a proof of student or early-stage researcher when applicable have to be added to the application. Depending on the number of demands we will try to serve also early career researchers. The early career researcher criterion is met if his/her PhD thesis was completed within five years prior to the date of the Congress.The application including a short CV should be submitted online through the following link:


More information can be found on our scholarships page:


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the EMS Secretariat at: secr@eurmicsoc.org

We look forward to receive your applications.

Vladislav Krzyžánek, EMS President

Catherine Vénien-Bryan, EMS General Secretary


Polish-Japanese Joint Seminar on Micro and Nano Analysis

The 14th edition of the Polish-Japanese Joint Seminar on Micro and Nano Analysis, which took place in Toyama and was chaired by Prof. Kenji Matsuda (University of Toyama) and Prof. Wojciech Maziarz (IMME PAS), is already behind us. The co-organizers on the Polish side were the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Society of Microscopy. The first lectures were given by Prof. Makoto Shiojiri and Prof. Jan Dutkiewicz – combining science with memories of previous editions. The sessions focused on using transmission and scanning electron microscopy to solve scientific problems in metallic, ceramic and biological materials. The seminar was attended by 18 Polish (members of PTMi) and 19 Japanese participants. In addition to the scientific values, the seminar brought elements of cultural exchange. The opportunity to visit the Tatayama mountain range and taste traditional local dishes was an opportunity to get to know the Toyama Prefecture region. By the decision of the Advisory Committee, the 15th edition of the seminar will be organized in 2026 under the chairmanship of Prof. Wojciech Maziarz (IMME PAS), to which we invite you today.
Participation of invited speakers was financially supported by the Polish Academy of Science.

Results of the competition EM’24 Conference

Results of the competition announced by the Polish Society of Microscopy for the best PhD work submitted to the EM’24 conference.

The first of all, the Polish Society of Microscopy would like to thank all the Participants for their submitted works. Fourteen works were sent to the competition, announced by the PSM for the best abstract by a PhD student. The Competition Committee, consisting of six members of the Advisory Board, assessed the works based on the following criteria: originality of research, clarity of the research goal, adequacy of applied research methodology to solve the scientific problem, clarity of the results description, quality of conclusions, innovation of the research topic, scientific and practical significance of the results, relevance to the conference topic. According to the Experts’ evaluations, all submitted works revealed high cognitive and scientific levels. However, based on the ranking list, the Polish Society of Microscopy is honoured to announce that the winners of the award are:
• Olha Khshanovska,
“An in-situ TEM study of crystallization pathways of single AuGe nanoparticles”
Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science,
AGH University of Krakow;
• Karolina Wójciak
“Precision and accuracy during standard-less mapping of local lattice distortions using EBSD and CALM technique”
Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology ,
AGH – University of Krakow.

The prize for both Laureates is the conference fee coverage for the 18th International Conference on Electron Microscopy EM’2024 (9-12 June 2024, Zakopane).
The Management Board of PSM would like to thank all Participants and congratulate the Winners.


Two Postdoctoral Positions in Electron Microscopy at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Braga, Portugal,
Two positions are now open in the research group of Prof. Paulo Ferreira (https://www.inl.int/community/paulo-ferreira/) to work on the following topics:
1. Li-ion batteries

This research is funded by the recovery and resilience plan of Portugal under the new generation storage agenda and focuses on understanding solid state thin film batteries, as well as battery electrodes produced from recycling, by advanced electron microscopy. See announcement here (https://careers.inl.int/our-vacancies/?p=job%2ForDDlfwM).

2. Novel Transistors Based on 2D and 3D Dirac materials

This research is part of a Horizon EU Research and Innovation grant and focuses on
developing scalable Dirac transistor technology based on large area integration of 2D and
3D Dirac materials. In particular, the idea is to understand the role of interfaces and defects
in Dirac semimetal/semiconductor systems, via advanced transmission electron microscopy
studies and correlations with device data and models. See announcement here
The candidates interested in these two positions can submit an application by following the link


Competition for the best EM’2024 abstracts of PhD students

The Polish Society of Microscopy announces a competition for the best abstract by a PhD student submitted to the EM’2024 conference. The candidate should register as a participant by sending an abstract via the conference website (https://em2024.pl/). The condition for participation in the competition is to send the abstract by e-mail to the address of the PSM secretary (maciej.zubko@us.edu.pl) with the note “Ph.D. students awards.” The deadline for submitting works is February 15th, 2024.

The Competition Committee will assess abstracts regarding compliance with the conference theme, scientific quality, innovation, and scientific importance. In the competition, there are two awards: conference fee waiver.

EMAS 2023

EMAS 2023 17th EUROPEAN WORKSHOP on MODERN DEVELOPMENTS AND APPLICATIONS IN MICROBEAM ANALYSIS  7 to 11 May 2023 at the Jagiellonian University, Auditorium Maximum Krakow, Poland

Detail information on  EMAS website https://www.microbeamanalysis.eu/


Dear Members of the EMS,

In the face of the terrible events taking place in Ukraine, we believe that as members of our society we cannot remain passive. The EMS stands by the people of Ukraine, as well as Russian nationals who condemn the actions of Putin and his government. We understand the actions of the Russian government do not represent the ideas of a large part of the Russian population, and we commend the courage of those nationals who have protested against such iniquity. We would like to advise every member of EMS to keep informed about any consequences imposed by the national societies and governments in this case.


José M. Valpuesta

President EMS

on behalf of the EMS executive board